NetSafe 網路安全

NetSafe Episode 1: What is the Internet?

The Internet is big! There are good and bad things on the Internet, just like a neighborhood. This video explains what the Internet is and how to stay in the “good neighborhoods” on the Internet.

NetSafe Episode 2: What is Personal Information?

Personal information identifies who we are, where we live, and how family, friends and others can find us to talk to us or come over and visit us. Personal information can help us communicate with others but we have to be careful with that information when on the computer.

NetSafe Episode 3: Tell an Adult

Sometimes we see something on the Internet that makes us feel uncomfortable. This can happen when we are playing a game on the Internet or perhaps even talking to someone on the phone. When this happens we need to tell an adult we trust. An adult we can trust may be a grandparent, teacher, mom, dad or police officer. These people can help you make things safe and fun again.

NetSafe Episode 4: Be Kind Online

In the real world and online it’s important to treat others like you want to be treated. How do we act when we are on the Internet? This video talks about good manners when we are on the Internet, things like using good words, not rude or bad words, and being patient with others. Sometimes others are beginners and are just learning how to use the Internet, so it’s important to be nice to them, too.

NetSafe Episode 5: Cyberbullies are No Fun!

When one or more child uses technology — such as the Internet, cell phones, or other devices — to threaten, harass, or embarrass another child, it’s called Cyber-bullying. Cyber-bullying goes beyond just bullying because it can follow you home via text messages, web sites, and more. This video will tell you how to put a stop to cyber-bullying.

NetSafe Episode 6: What is Personal Information? 

Personal information identifies who we are, where we live, and how family, friends and others can find us to talk to us or come over and visit us. We need to be careful about who we give out our personal information. This video explains how to keep personal information private.

NetSafe Episode 7: Understanding Online “Friends”

You know your friends in your neighborhood or at school because you see them almost every day. You play with them, sometimes you are in class with them, you see them at the store, the library, or the playground and that is how you get to know them. On the Internet there are places where you sometimes meet people you don’t know. Stick with what is real, only accept online “friends” you know in real life. This video explains why it’s important to stick with what is real — your real friends in the real world — and only accept online friends you know in real life.

NetSafe Episode 8: Talk to an Adult You Trust 

Sometimes we see something on the Internet that makes us feel uncomfortable. This can happen when we are playing a game on the Internet or someone sends you a bad picture on your cell phone. When something like this happens we need to tell an adult we trust. An adult you trust might be your mom and dad, guardian, older brother or sister, teacher, school counselor, principal, police officer, grandparents, or uncles and aunts. But, even people you trust can do something that could make you feel uncomfortable. If this happens, you need to talk to another trusted adult.

NetSafe Episode 9: Posting Pictures Onlin

Posting a picture on the Internet, or sending a picture message on your phone, can have consequences that you might have never thought about. This video explains why it’s so important to think before you share a picture of yourself.

NetSafe Episode 10: How to Stop Cyber-bullying

Cyberbullies are a total bummer, but with a little courage, you can stop those lamers. Cyber-bullying goes beyond just bullying because it can follow you home via text messages, web sites, and more. This video will tell you how to put a stop to cyber-bullying.

NetSafe Episode 11: Protect Your Personal Information

Information such as your bank account information, where you live, where you go to school, and other personal things, should be kept private. This video explains why keeping personal information private is so important, and it offers tips on how to do it.

NetSafe Episode 12: Stick with Your Real Friends!

When you’re on Facebook, MySpace, IM, and other places, you might meet people you don’t know. Instead of accepting invitations from people you don’t know, this video explains why it’s important to stick with what is real — your real friends in the real world — and only accept online friends you know in real life.

NetSafe Episode 13: Trusted Adults Can Help You

When things get weird on the Internet, it’s best to talk to an adult who has your back. If you see stuff online — or in the real world, for that matter — that makes you feel uncomfortable or scared, talk to an adult you trust about it. This video explains why it’s so important to seek help from adults when you need help.

NetSafe Episode 14: Say No to “Sexting”

Posting a picture only takes a second, but can last forever. A photo is forever on the Internet because it can easily be copied using a function called copy and paste. It can be added from one website to another. Also, a picture can be easily edited using Photoshop. Someone can take it into Photoshop and change it, and they can paste your head on a naked body of someone else. Eww!

NetSafe Episode 15: Tips and Tools for Parents

Kids spend much of their lives on the Internet. It’s one of the primary ways they they communicate, work, and play. It’s important for parents and other adults to learn how to keep kids safe from some of the dangers that exist online. This video provides some tips, as well as information about tools available at

NetSafe Episode 16: Distracted Driving in a Nutshell

Did you know that driving while you’re gabbing on a cell phone can make you more distracted and dangerous than many drunk drivers? It’s true. This video, which was produced in collaboration with KUEN TV in Salt Lake City, highlights the dangers of talking and texting on the phone when you’re driving. Please, don’t do it!

NetSafe Episode 17: Public Wi-Fi Network Safety

When you’re out and about and using an open Wi-Fi network, is it safe? This video explains the dangers of surfing on open Wi-Fi, and suggests some basic things to help you keep your personal information and data safe and secure.

NetSafe Episode 18: Mobile Location Privacy

You’re out with your friends, snapping pictures and uploading them to Twitter and Facebook on the go. That’s cool and all, but is there a problem with this picture? This video explains the potential dangers of revealing location information via your phone’s camera, and how you can protect yourself from giving too much information when you snap and upload that pic.



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